Image Bali knows for sure that roof is such a very significant element in building your Bali gazebo or pavilion. This is the reason why we provide strong, sturdy iron wood shingles roof sirap ulin for the comfort ambiance inside the hut. Our sirap ulin roof can bring aesthetic aspect besides giving full protection on the construction with all things inside.
You may take a look at some of our Bali gazebos and pavilions in which they are very magnificent in its sleek modern touch. We emphasize on the use of ironwood shingle roofs due to its wonderful features. Our ironwood shingles roof sirap ulin has such characteristics in which it is very strong and sturdy enough when exposed to heat all year round. This is perfect for those gazebos or pavilions in this tropical country. This kind of roof is also best in four seasoned countries which have extreme changing of climates in which roofs will be hit by snow, rain, wind and surely strong heat.
Dwellers inside or Bali gazebos with ironwood shingles roof sirap ulin will not be feeling noisy during the rain though you might think that the ‘iron’ factor will produce noisy sound. It is the wood aspect which can absorb the noise of raindrops, even the hardest one. We have designed the ironwood shingles roof with slope design that may let water sliding off easily
Our ironwood shingles roof has been through qualified quality control in which the end product will satisfy the needs of our clients who emphasize on elegance and durability at the same time. Our roofing product can be very popular because it features total design continuity, therefore it really is a subject of personal preference. We have been featuring balance of appeal and functionality.
Due to the uncertain climate these days, Image Bali has prepared this circumstance by applying strong construction of the roof and also closed tight upper section of the ceiling. This can prevent damage due to the any kind of wind which had happened lately. But still, our roof design still can let the direct sunlight into interior of the gazebo. We can easily bring out excellent design with thorough observation and preparation for the satisfaction of our clients.
Image Bali can guarantee the best result on iron wood shingles roof supply because we apply workmanship in high class manner and we also feature punctilious care related to all details for manufacturing high class roof. It will be the best decision in building rustic Bali gazebos on your tropical gardens with the feeling of oriental ambiance.